Jul 25, 2008

Sight seeing Chicago

While in Chicago we stayed in families with girls from Team Chicago, in Aurora and Naperville. Again we were overwhelmed by the hospitality that stretches longer than any of us could imagine. Most of all it was nice to meet the family of Julianna, who played with us all week in USA CUP.

Our new families had organized a sightseeing trip for us in Chicago. Early morning rise to take the train down town after the late night in Rolling Meadows, so well worth it. An incredible sunny, happy ride on top of the sightseeing bus and a day we'll never forget. And we managed some shopping that day too...

Photo: Bibbi Forsman

Some of the families met up downtown Naperville for dinner afterwards. Naperville is something else than skyscrapers, a pretty, lively little town with old buildings and green trees. This was our last evening together, we are both homesick and sad to leave, all at once.

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