Jul 24, 2008

International friendly games

Rolling Meadows Soccer Club organized a whole evening of games and festivities, Monday. We played two games against their U14 and U16 teams. Before they begun was a dignified opening ceremony.

Anders talked about the club and our motto "Passion and Joy"...

...and presented Rolling Meadow's mayor with a Swedish t-shirt and our CD.

The both teams lined up on the field. Players from Julianna's Team Chicago in Naperville filled in so we could play two games.

After that we sang the Swedish national anthem "Du gamla du fria"...

...and a girl from the U16 team, Katie Deger, powerfully sang the American.

Sofia handed the Azalea presents to the U14 team.

After the game we finally took the photo we've been talking about for two weeks but never did: all Azalea girls in their jerseys. It was best we waited though, to win the USA CUP trophy first.

Enormous grills for hamburgers and hot dogs, tasty salads and cakes, yummy, yummy.

The clubs exchanged autographed balls (Emilia is getting more used to writing hers now)

Pia won in the lottery.

And Lizzie had to sign each t-shirt before she left : ( We are going to miss all our American guest players, so much fun playing with you!

This flag was a gift to the Azalea girls from Team Chicago's professional women's team. In 2009 there will be a professional women's league in America again, exciting!

There is a local web article to read more, click here.

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