Team Joy's semi final against EURO Football club was played the morning after a disco that seemed to have done our girls good. Focus,strength , alertness in spite of the early hour. The weather was in our favour too, a clouded sky and cooler than ever before this hot week.
Keeper Elvira had her thumb kicked on, a minor injury that didn't affect her too much.
Azalea girls worked more efficient than any game before, in the second half they even put in an extra gear. Final score 4-0!
har spelat fotboll tillsammans i flera år, flera av dem sedan 8-9-årsåldern. De har tränat i ur och skur, vunnit och förlorat, alltid under parollen Passion and joy.
I klubben spelar ca 600 flickor och pojkar från stadsdelarna runt Slottskogen i Göteborg fotboll.
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